CPR E 281x/282x - Lab 13a


Designing Registers and Counters



1.    Objectives


The objective is to learn the functioning of shift registers and counters. You will design the shift-registers and counters and see them function. You will be using Schematic Capture for this lab.


1.1 Reference Files for Lab


Lab Evaluation Form



1.    Prelab


Review Chapter 7.8 and 7.9 in your Brown and Vranesic textbook before performing the laboratory.



2.    Design Steps


Step 1: Designing and Simulating Shift Registers


A shift register is a specialized register that takes an input serially and shifts it from bit position to bit position.  A full explanation of shift registers is available in Chapter 7.8 of the Brown and Vranesic text. Figure 7.18a shows a four-bit shift register built using D Flip-Flops.


For this step in the lab you will use the D flip-flop of the LPM Library to build a shift register. Open a new .bdf file and name it lab13astep1.bdf.  Set this file to the top level entity. Right click on the BDF file and do an Insert | Symbol….  In the libraries dialog Box choose “c:\program files\altera\quartus50\libraries\primitives\storage” for the symbol library. Then you can choose the “dff” symbol file to get a D Flip-Flop (Alternately, type dff in the name: field). Set the preset and the clear inputs of this flip-flop to high (connect to vcc).


You need to design a 4-bit shift register using the D Flip-Flops. Use the figure 7.18(a) as a reference. You are to compile the file, use the waveform editor to prepare the file for simulation, and then simulate the design using the simulator. Does the output change after the rising clock edge? If not, review how a positive-edge triggered device responds and propagation delays associated with D flip-flops. When you are convinced your design is working correctly, verify your observations and design with your TA.



Step 2: Designing Synchronous Counters


You can use the same flip-flop design from Step 1 to create counters. Counters are either synchronous (common clock signal) or asynchronous.  A discussion of synchronous counters may be found in Chapter 7.9.2 of your textbook. Figure 7.24 describes how a 4-bit counter can be built using D Flip-Flops.


Open a new .bdf file and name it lab13astep2a. Use the D Flip-Flops (As in Step1) and additional gates to build a synchronous 4-Bit Up-Counter. Use the Figure 7.24 in your text as a reference.

Simulate the circuit and necessary inputs, and observe the behavior of this counter.  When you are confident you understand the behavior of this device, and are convinced it is performing as predicted, show your work to your TA.


Open a new .bdf file and name it lab13astep2b. Use T Flip-Flops and additional gates to build a synchronous 4-Bit Up-Counter. Use the Figure 7.22(a) in your text as a reference. You can get T Flip-Flops from the LPM prim library the way you got the D Flip-Flops. To get a T Flip-Flop you need to select the “tff” symbol file. Set the preset and the clear inputs of this flip-flop to high.


Simulate the circuit and necessary inputs, and observe the behavior of this counter.  When you are confident you understand the behavior of this device, and are convinced it is performing as predicted, show your work to your TA.


Step 3: Asynchronous Counters


For Step 3 you will build two designs for asynchronous counters.  Async counters can be built using T flip-flops. 


In the first part of this step, you will build a 4-bit asynchronous up-counter. The figure 7.20(a) shows a 3-bit async up-counter using T Flip-Flops. Extend this circuit to build a 4-bit async up-counter. Use the T Flip-Flops from the LPM library the way you did in Step 2.


Use the waveform editor to simulate the 4-bit up-counter circuit with a single T input value of 1. Simulate the design and determine the propagation delay for this circuit. Satisfy yourself that design is working properly.  What is the propagation delay for this circuit?  Verify with your TA.


For Step 3b, you will build a 4-bit asynchronous down-counter using T Flip-Flops. The figure 7.21(a) shows a 3-bit async down-counter using T Flip-Flops. Extend this circuit to build a 4-bit async down-counter. Use the T Flip-Flops from the LPM library the way you did in Step 2.


Use the waveform editor to simulate the circuit with a single T input value of 1.  Simulate the design and determine the propagation delay for this circuit.  Satisfy yourself that design is working properly.  What is the propagation delay for this circuit?  Verify with your TA.


Step 4: Completing Lab


Close your files.