CPR E 381x/382x - Lab 1b
Datapath Design
1. Objectives
In this lab you will
connect the components previously designed to construct a simple datapath. For today’s lab, all testing will be done explicitly
using the waveform to drive the control signals.
1.1 Reference Files for Lab
2. Prelab
Before you come to lab make
sure you have a working 32x32bit Register File, 32 bit ALU, and 32 bit shifter.
3. Setup
a folder in your home directory U:\CPRE381\Lab01b,
and one sub-folder ~\datapath. Copy all verilog files needed for the
registerfile, ALU, and shifter into this folder.
4. Datapath in Verilog
this part, you will connect the 32x32-bit registerfile, 32-bit ALU, and 32-bit
shifter together as shown below. The two
outputs of the registerfile and the output of the shifter should all be sent to
32-bit registers (positive-edge triggered).
The 2-1 multiplexer allows the input to the registerfile to come from
either the shifter or from an input set in the waveform. All other signals (regwrite, addra, addrb,
aluop, etc) should be inputs to the circuit and will be set in the waveform.
5. Testing
test your datapath, you should set all the control signals in the waveform to perform
the following operations, then simulate the circuit and make sure that it
performs as expected. To observe the
behavior of the datapath, make the output of the three 32-bit registers outputs
in design.
Operations (all values given
in decimal):
// initialize registerfile
$r0 = 0;
$r1 = 10;
$r2 = 15;
$r3 = 20;
$r4 = 25;
$r5 = 30;
$r20 = 500;
$r21 = 1500;
$r22 = 2500;
//test ALU and shifter
$r6 = $r3 + $r5;
$r25 = $r20 - $r21;
$r7 = $r6 >> 1; ($r6 shifted right logical by 1 bit)
$r30 = $r20 << 1; ($r6 shifted left logical by 1 bit)
$r8 = $r1 & $r2; (bitwise AND)
$r9 = $r21 | $r22; (bitwise OR)
$r10 = 1, if $r7 < $r5, else $r10 = 0;
$r31 = $r30 + $r10;
you have run your simulation and are convinced that your circuit is working,
have it checked by the TA.