Vertical Integration of Engineering Education (VIE)


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During 2004-2005, the Departments of Electrical
and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
at Iowa State University, in collaboration with educational
colleagues in the Research Institute for Studies in
Education, piloted a new curricula model to improve
student learning through vertical integration of
educational activities using new program structures. We
offered an experimental course sequence during Fall 2004
and Spring 2005, defined as a "learning stream."

A learning stream is a basic element of a novel program
structure designed specifically to vertically integrate
subject matter across courses. A learning stream merges
and re-organizes material to more effectively present and
reinforce key objectives. Concepts are covered in a more
cohesive and timely manner compared to traditional
topical organizations, letting students see relationships
between concepts. A learning stream emphasizes
fundamentals through their application. In some cases, it
provides a basis to introduce cross-disciplinary ideas.
Students gain proficiency with higher dimensional
problem-solving from a conceptual and disciplinary
perspective rather than a single subject. The design of a
curriculum using learning streams addresses one of the
most important questions in engineering education, that is,
how to achieve balance between the fundamentals and
applications, between theory and practice.





HomeOverviewPeopleLearning StreamsPublicationsEvaluationRISEECpE at Iowa State UniversityME at Iowa State UniversityIowa State UniversityNational Science Foundation



This project is sponsored by the NSF.  Grant No. 0431924.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Site maintained by Daniel Helvick (  Last update: 7/26/2006