





Syllabus (Tentative)

CprE 488X - Embedded Systems Design

Course Description

Embedded microprocessors, embedded memory and I/O devices, component interfaces, embedded software, program development, basic compiler techniques, platform-based FPGA technology, hardware synthesis, design methodology, real-time operating system concepts, performance analysis and optimizations.

Course web site:


CPRE 305 or COMS 321, CPRE 308 recommended.


Computer as Components, Wayne Wolf, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2001.

Meeting Times and Places

Lecture: MWF 10:00-10:50, Coover 1201
Lab Section 1: T 4:10-7:00, Coover 1341
Lab Section 2: R 9:00-11:50, Coover 1341
Lab Section 3: R 3:10-6:00, Coover 1341

Instructional Staff

Course Learning Objectives

Understand the working principles of embedded systems and their components, learn embedded system programming, know how to integrate embedded hardware, software, and operating systems to meet the functional requirements of embedded applications, be familiar with modern hardware/software tools for building fast prototypes of embedded applications, know basic development methodology and power and performance analysis.

Course Outline

Homework Assignments

There will be a series of 8-10 homework assignments. You must check out assignments and submit your answers on WebCT. Assignments are Microsoft Word files and you must submit your answers in Microsoft Word or PDF files. Late assignments, for no more than three days, will be assessed a 10% penalty per day unless prior permission of the instructor is obtained. Assignments late for more than three days will not be accepted.

Lab Assignments and Projects

There is one lab meeting every week except for the first week. Lab attendance is mandatory unless prior permission of instructor is obtained for a particular lab. Prelabs are due at the beginning of the lab, and the lab must be demonstrated to your lab instructor no later than the beginning of the next regular scheduled lab time, otherwise it is considered late. Lab projects should be completed by groups. See lab policies on the web site for more details.


There will be two exams, mid-term exam and final exam. The final exam is comprehensive.


Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability requiring accommodation in this class, please notify the instructor at the beginning of the semester.